Friday, May 3, 2024

Ourai no Gahkthun: Shining Night, Goddess of the Night B


(Note: Credit goes to the original video poster. I am just merely providing a translation)


There was a lot of green in the Governing Council Area.

A school rumor. One of the many rumors surrounding the Governing Council.

One of the few that matches the facts.

The Governing Council Area was of a higher altitude than the normal places in a western part of the Academia. 

It had a lot of greenery that was sometimes called as such.

The Hanging Garden, literally a garden in the sky. A green sky.

The parts exposed to the outside air had a slightly dull green tone similar to the small and large parks of the Academia. 

Compared to most cities in the world, it was closer to the green in its heyday.

Still. Even so. 

It was truly still grayish and dull.


However, this was not the case for this place.

There was a man-made garden whose surrounding environment was completely controlled using Scholar-made glass. 

The green here was different.

It was fundamentally different.

It was real, old greenery.

The garden was essentially an advanced laboratory, where the plants grown there under a simulated sunlight environment that also used special Scholar-made glass were also different from those outside.

There was fresh, beautiful greenery here.

And in the center of it. 

There was a girl who spent a lot of her time there.

It was a girl...

A 5th year student in the Theology Department. 

The President of the European Research Society, she was even said to have earned a Master's degree in Natural History. 

She was the most talented girl in the Academia.

She was commonly known as the "Divine Lady".

She was the Head of the Sorority, an umbrella group for female students whom was worshiped by many of the hundred thousand students.

Florence Ameghino Nightingale.

She was here...

She is said to have spend her nights here sometime, due to being close to her private room.

She was with the plants.

Spending a quiet night here.

She was smiling.

Like tonight, for instance...

She smiled.

It was more calmly and kindly than anyone else...

"...Oh my."

"If I knew you were coming, I would have granted you a warmer hospitality.

My apologies for looking like this."

"No, you're not bothering me.

Here, let me make you some tea."

"Do you prefer sencha, Master?"

"Yes. I just got them from Berta."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nightingale: ...Sorry to keep you waiting.

I see. So that's how it is...

The White Man nods internally.

It was beautiful. Her calm expression made it even more appealing.

The students were quite good at describing her as something of a Goddess.

Someone poetic and good.

Thinking about it, all of the female dormitories were named after the goddesses of each region.

Perhaps this garden was also the same.

Or as expected, only the name of the garden's owner was appropriate.

Tranquil Lady.

Divine Lady.

Lady Florence Nightingale.

Nightingale: What do you think? Sure, it is different. But I can also do a Far Eastern-style tea ceremony as well.

Nightingale: Yes, I've also boiled some red beans as well...

Tesla: Mamaen, huh?

He glances at the small table nearby.

There were several sweets made with mamaen wrapped in mochi on a Far-Eastern ceramic plate, which was a rarity here.

What a fine hobby she had.

At the same time, he was quite impressed at how prepared they were.

A form of hospitality for a late night guest.

Either she had intuition, or...

Nightingale: Yes, it's called bean paste. Neon also enjoys them.

Tesla: Is that so?

Tesla: That's quite sweet of you. I would have assumed you'd like something more intense.

Nightingale: Like jelly beans? Ah, that too...

Nightingale: That child. She was quite pleased because she enjoyed the sweets.

That sweet child. Neon.

Her Radiance surely remained the same as it was back then. 

It's why he can be close to her.

That precious child. It was because of her that he was able to remain grounded in reality despite no one else being able to reach him.

Tesla: ...I see. The focus is different, just as I expected.

Nightingale: That's right. You You don't seem to remember, do you? It's fine if you don't, I suppose.

Tesla: I grow old in vain. I don't know a lot of thing.

Tesla: You, however, are great in that regard. Despite your youth, you're fill with knowledge and consideration.

Tesla: Like this here. I'd say this is my first time having Mamaen.

Nightingale: Yes, I suppose so. If it's up to your taste.

Nightingale: Please enjoy your meal.

There were things that moved with her words.

It was light and shadow.

She did not even move an inch. 

However, the light and shadow beneath her feet writhed by themselves. 

They were carrying pottery and bowls with sweets in them.

They were servants formed from an Art.

It was an amazing sight.

Unmoved, he reaches out to the light and shadow.

He tasted the sweetness of the sweets. 

He quinches his throat with the tea.

He minutely observes the figure of the woman who was called a Goddess.

Her body radiated in the night.

There was a different sense of seeing it under the night sky.

Such youthful freshness that has maintained a healthy and relaxed expression.

Even so, there was a bewitching tinge to it...

Tesla: ...Florence. Naturally, it's my fault for meeting you so late like this.

Tesla: But.

Nightingale: Yes?

Tesla: ...

She can tell from his gaze.

It was a look that she expected.

It was that of some suspicious person sneaking into the Governing Council's territory.

Though it wasn't possible, it was something that could happen.

A villain would certainly do this at a time like this.

It was something that was too tempting to bear.

Anything could have happened here.

Of course, he was a different case.

Very much so.

Nightingale: Ah, is it the way I dress? I'm sorry. It's quite unseemly of me.

Nightingale: It's just how I always look when I'm in my room.

Tesla: You make for good eye candy. You, too, have grown up beautifully.

Nightingale: My, thank you. Hehe. How embarrassing.

Tesla: But surely, you know it makes you look like a kitsune as you are.

Tesla: That's...

Nightingale: Truly, a yukata has to be worn properly. I'm aware of that.

Nightingale: ...However, I feel relaxed dressing like this as a nightgown.

Tesla: I see.


Who knew something could be so bewitching at such a young age?

As it was a fault of his for bringing it up, he refrained from speaking any further.

There was no need to say it.

He didn't want to say anything unnecessary again like in that Summer.

That and he couldn't stand looking at her like that again.

Thus, he kept his mouth shut about her clothes.

Nightingale: So about tonight?

Tesla: I have a question. It's about your Art.

From the time he had lost to the Rose Ruler to now, illusions not of reality have arisen one after another such as the Black Beast and the Deceptive Dragon.

Though both of them have dealt with, he's become very concerned.

Her Art...

Tesla: That's something which belongs to fantasy, not of reality. Is that right?

Nightingale: ...Yes. You're correct. My Art is called Other

Tesla: A projection?

Nightingale: Yes.

Nightingale: It's something powerful enough to be referred to as such. Though I can't quite them, I can grant it a form by gathering up my power.

Nightingale: A Critter.


Remnants of fantasies that erode reality.

They are failed Cracking Beings, derived from a certain formula.

They are something which should not exist.

They are an existence that devours people.

They are an illusion that must not ever take form.

The base reality of this world prevents such illusions from obtaining mass and forming a physical body.

Thus, Critters were naturally ferocious.

They erode and devour the world in order to protect themselves.

Although there were very few cases of them occurring, they were indeed a dangerous existence.

When manifested, their power is on the level of a Mobile Fortress.

In fact, both the Black Beast and Deceptive Dragon nearly went on a rampage...

Nightingale: After all, my power is but an imitation. The Other here is just mere light and shadow.

Nightingale: But by weaving them into a singular shape, that little one becomes an exception. They gain the functional ability of a Critter.

Nightingale: By obtaining basic skills such as being invincible and panic, that little one becomes a Critter.

Nightingale: An old fantasy that just so happens to be called Will-o-Wasp...

Nightingale: It fits with my Art over light and shadow. What I'm doing is merely paradoxical.

Tesla: Understood. I see. It all makes sense.

Tesla: I have one more question. Is the shadow side something similar to the Black King?

The Black King.

There was such a repulsive sound to it.

The principle bestowed to them by that being was Cracking, which brought about the work of God. 

That was the common belief in the Society.

Just uttering those words made his lips feel numb.

The one who ruled over the illusory kings in ancient times.

The castle from the furthest ends in a forgotten fairy tale.

The King and the Castle. The Castle and the King.

The Crawling Chaos.

The Master of Darkness.

The Dark Matter that drifts in space.

It was something terrifying. It was something incomprehensible.

The infinite, Dark Universe...

Nightingale: ...Yes?

Nightingale: Black King?

Tesla: They were referred to as the Outer God in the old days. The Black King. The dark universe itself.

Tesla: Their name is Nyarlathotep. He is my enemy.

Nightingale: Nyarla...what is it? What is that? I don't quite understand.

Tesla: Hmm. Could this have something to do with Keziah's witchcraft?

Nightingale: Professor Keziah? Witchcraft?

Nightingale: Hehe. You're a strange one, Master. I wonder as to why all of your words are so strange.

Tesla: So you don't know?

Nightingale: Huh?

Tesla: Black King. Tick Tock Man. That's who I'm referring to.

Nightingale: No. I neither worship. the Black King nor the Tick Tock Man.

Nightingale: Please be assured. Master Nikola Tesla. 

Tesla: Mm...

I see.

The White Man lets out a sigh of relief.

This girl was not someone who'd tell a lie.

A knot in his chest had been lifted.

Tesla: Guess I was just overthinking it. I suppose I've just been looking for a reason.

Tesla: It's a habit I picked up. Forgive me, Florence.

Tesla: What you're referring to is an illusion different from an Old One.

Nightingale: ...yes. It appears so.

Nightingale: Will-o-Wasp is a Critter. They're not an Old One, however. They are an illusion that "should not exist" in the world.

Nightingale: Running trains. Flying airships. Incoming and outgoing Telegraphs. Even the System Wallace has been placed down.

Nightingale: Do not worry. I, as well as the others, won't leave them to the Critters.

Tesla: Hmm...

Those words...

Nightingale: ...Master?

Tesla: No. Your words. I hope you never forget them.

Tesla: Your Art is a powerful one. Never falter when using them.

Nightingale: Yes. I will keep that in mind.

Tesla: ...Good grief.

Tesla: This is such an unnecessary hassle. It makes me wonder if you've truly become an illusion.

Tesla: Listen. Never become like me.

Tesla: I am an illusion. Something that will surely vanish one day.

Tesla: Keep that in mind. Of course, that also applies to me as well.

Nightingale: Yes. Although...

Nightingale: I don't think an illusion such as yourself should go away.

Nightingale: Because we...

The way she was smiling at him...

There was a certain Radiance to it.

Such that he could not help but narrow his eyes.

Indeed. That was the Goddess's smile.

It had been like this for a long time.

Such that the girl has been doing it without realizing it.

It was a Radiance that always shined on someone.

Even if it casts a shadow, she would show no hesitation to do it.

At such a young age even.

She can do it too.

She was one of them...

Nightingale: It's because we all love you.

...That smile.

Nightingale: Me and the others, as is that girl too.

...I'm certain of what I'm seeing regardless of my eyes.

Nightingale: And so, Master. Don't stray too far from that girl.

...Such Radiance would be reflected.

Nightingale: It's no good making me cry. 

...Yes. Even in the eyes of Lightning.

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