Greetings to anyone who comes upon this blog by chance.
This is the host, here to give an update on what's likely to happen on this blog...and I guess tell a bit first of where I've been the last year since my last update.
So first things first, I've recently got back into doing posts on here right before the turn of the new year as before I was preoccupied with other interests at the time...but that didn't turn out so well. Plus I was slacking off and didn't think of where to go as I didn't have a lot of stuff at the time to do.
Recent events in my life happened that got me to turn back over to this, however, as seen with my latest novel story release of the Steampunk Series. Matter of fact, I've also gotten the decision to add on more projects to translate on the blog here. Not a whole lot right now beyond the Steampunk Series (of which I decided to merge all existing works into one singular page for easy managing and access), a Shinza Banshou entry, and one of the Bastard!! series that I may or may not do more of if I don't get a whole lot else.
Can't say if this will be my final works to do as there are maybe some others I'd like to work on but it may be possible for me to do quite a whole lot by the end of this year and onto next year. It depends largely on how long I keep this blog up...or until I get a strike or something for doing what's ultimately fan-translations of the work. It all depends.
Regardless of how many I do and how much I'll have on here if the time I ever stop comes up, I'll make sure they're all complete so that nothing will be missing for you all to read.
That said, however, I cannot gurantee if what I add will truly be made but even with that I will try to do what I can to get them out here.
Until then, have a good day and read,
-Blog Host