Sunday, December 29, 2019

About updates and more

Hey, everyone.

In case you're wondering where my posts are now, especially with one of my completed translations, they are coming along alright.

Thing is there is apparently a limit as to how much I can put into one post (about around 500 characters last I checked) and, in regards to that of Karsheel, there about 2 chapters that are EXTREMELY long to a point that you will see them split up into "parts". How these parts are done is more to do with how many "line breaks" or "split transitions" they got so some posts will have more text than the other but I would say that they'll have plenty for you to read and go through.

I can't explain it very well if it didn't make sense but you will see what I mean when I post them up.

Another thing about updates is that they will be posted at varying lengths of time (or posted on the blog inconsistently or something like that) as I have other plans and other things to work on rn (such as the Gahkthun Novel Anthology) and even more starting with the upcoming new years we have in the next couple days.

As I'm likely to not make another one until around just after new years eve, I will simply just that. Hope you have a happy new years, and hope the new year brings you good fortune in life. :)


Thursday, December 26, 2019


Greetings, everyone. Welcome to my blog.

I will be posting my translations overtime for any and all works I post here. While it may not be quite accurate to the meaning, it is something I hope to improve upon as I go about in the works I make to this blog.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the visit.